Daniel Moore
Daniel Moore
Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moorewas a U.S. poet, essayist and librettist. In 1970 he embraced the Sufic tradition of Islam and changed his name to Abdal-Hayy. He then created works such as Ramadan Sonnetsand The Blind Beekeeper. In early adulthood Moore traveled widely, living in Morocco, Spain, Algeria, and Nigeria as well as in Santa Barbara in the United States...
Date of Birth30 July 1940
attending daughter graduated high middle next oldest school wife
I graduated from the University, my wife graduated from the University, my oldest daughter is a graduate, my middle daughter is attending and my daughter in high school will probably go next year,
judge lawsuit prevents reason
There's no reason that I can't. No judge has issued any kind of injunction that prevents me from doing that, and that's what this whole lawsuit is about.
balls game guess played tired wrong
I just went out there and played my game and I was successful. I don't know what was wrong with (Lillydahl); I guess he was tired because he wasn't even going for balls that much.