Our goal today was to ensure that Mrs. Lewis' son would not be evicted prior to that (Sept. 23) hearing.
It doesn't seem reasonable for them to get life sentences and someone who committed three murders to get the death penalty.
The ACLU intends to proceed with the legal challenge to this law and is considering its options for doing so.
What Nine Mile Falls was doing, we believe, violates the students' constitutional rights because directly sniffing students' possessions without any reason to suspect an individual has done anything wrong is not allowed.
We have defamation laws. If somebody believes they are defamed, they can sue under that law. We don't need a separate broader law to protect candidates.
It's a sad day when airline officials feel they can boot someone off an airplane because of a political message on a T-shirt.
In wake of that (documents outlining surveillance of the Seattle-area groups), we wondered if there was current surveillance of other peace groups.
He and his mother hope that he will eventually be able to live back in his mother's home.