E. O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson
Edward Osborne Wilson, usually cited as E. O. Wilson, is an American biologist, researcher, theorist, naturalistand author. His biological specialty is myrmecology, the study of ants, on which he is considered to be the world's leading expert...
Date of Birth10 June 1929
CountryUnited States of America
E. O. Wilson quotes about
agility barely effortless ice jeff peter spring touching
I think he's Peter Pan. It's like he's barely touching the ice ... Jeff has this light, effortless kind of spring and agility that is just incredible.
drifting fairly fear federal further group housing interest later looking markets next raising rates react regional reserve six spring stable various
The housing group will be fairly stable the next six months, then later will react to opportunities after various regional markets find stable levels. It's looking like the Federal Reserve may be done with raising interest rates in the spring and rates will have peaked, removing the fear that they were going to keep drifting further up.