Elias Canetti
Elias Canetti
Elias Canettiwas a German language author, born in Bulgaria, and later a British citizen. He was a modernist novelist, playwright, memoirist and non-fiction writer. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981, "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power"...
Date of Birth25 July 1905
men opposites feelings
It is only in a crowd that man can become free of this fear of being touched. That is the only situation in which the fear changes into its opposite… The reversal of fear of being touched belongs to the nature of crowds. The feeling of relief is most striking where the density of the crowd is greatest
men add lice
A 'modern' man has nothing to add to modernism, if only because he has nothing to oppose it with. The well-adapted drop off the dead limb of time like lice.
life endorsements should
One should not confuse the craving for life with endorsement of it.
Most religions do not make men better, only warier.
death men important
It is important what a man still plans at the end. It shows the measure of injustice in his death.
men want able
There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of the unknown. He wants to see what is reaching towards him, and to be able to recognize or at least classify it. Man always tends to avoid physical contact with anything strange.
men sight doubt
There is no doubt: the study of man is just beginning, at the same time that his end is in sight
There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of the unknown.