Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene H. Petersonis an American-born clergyman, scholar, author, and poet. He has written over thirty books, including Gold Medallion Book Award winner The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language, a paraphrase of the Bible...
Date of Birth6 November 1932
CountryUnited States of America
stupid ideas errors
The Spirit works through community. Somebody will have a stupid, screwy idea. That's okay. The point of having creeds and confessions and traditions is to keep us in touch with the obvious errors.
position-of-power people scary
Religion is a very scary thing, because a pastor is in a position of power. And if you use that power badly, you ruin people's lives, and you ruin your own life.
loyalty thinking people
People learn to shop for churches; there is no loyalty to the church. They're consumers being attracted to one product or another. I think it's sacrilege, to tell you the truth, it really is.
religious lace sound
You don't make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true.
kicking attention want
I don't want to end up a bureaucrat in the time-management business for God or a librarian cataloguing timeless truths. Salvation is kicking in the womb of creation right now, any time now. Pay attention.
sunday imagination important
The most important thing a pastor does is stand in a pulpit every Sunday and say, 'Let us worship God.' If that ceases to be the primary thing I do in terms of my energy, my imagination, and the way I structure my life, then I no longer function as a pastor.
reading years two
Spirituality is no different from what weve been doing for two thousand years just by going to church and receiving the sacraments, being baptized, learning to pray, and reading Scriptures rightly. Its just ordinary stuff.
biblical interesting poet
Isn't it interesting that all of the biblical prophets and psalmists were poets?
grace way world
A person has to get fed up with the ways of the world before he, before she acquires an appetite for the world of grace.
worship failing offers
I cannot fail to call the congregation to worship God, to listen to his Word, to offer themselves to God.
teaching thinking giving
I think pastors are the worst listeners. We're so used to speaking, teaching, giving answers. We must learn to be quiet, quit being so verbal, learn to pay attention to what's going on, and listen.