Florence King
Florence King
Florence Virginia Kingwas an American novelist, essayist and columnist...
Date of Birth5 January 1936
CountryUnited States of America
race sight years
In the last few years, race relations in America have entered upon a period of intensified craziness wherein fear of being called a racist has so thoroughly overwhelmed fear of being a racist that we are in danger of losing sight of the distinction.
country art flower
In other countries, congenital introverts simply remain introverts all their lives, neither advancing nor retreating, but America's commitment to extroversion as a national art form can abrade some naturally aloof personalities until they flower into deadly nightshade.
animal humanness-is steel
Gradually my whole concept of time changed until I thought of a month as having twenty-five days of humanness and five others when I might just as well have been an animal in a steel trap.
jealous insecure self
Learn to spot and avoid "writer groupies." The writer's self-sufficiency and our love for our work tend to attract insecure people who never can get enough love. They grow jealous of our work and come to regard it as a rival. These people can destroy you, so kick them out of your life or don't admit them in the first place.
Familiarity breeds democracry.
growing-up book reading
There's something unrefined about a reading woman, they always reek of the lamp. How can she grow up to be a lady if she's always got her nose in a book? Granny Rudin
eye feds plastic
Americans are so emotionally fragile that soon we will have to be carried around in plastic bubbles and fed with an eye-dropper.
morning sex cigarette-smoke
Now the only thing I miss about sex is the cigarette afterward. Next to the first one in the morning, it's the best one of all. It tasted so good that even if I had been frigid I would have pretended otherwise just to be able to smoke it.
sides looks glare
Never look on the bright side. The glare is blinding.
children village
It takes only one child to raze a village.
america quirky armor
agoraphobia was my quirky armor against a gregarious America ...
creativity guilt way
Americans worship creativity the way they worship physical beauty - as a way of enjoying elitism without guilt: God did it.
world matter sin
to a Southerner it is faux pas, not sins, that matter in this world.