Gary Bauer Quotations
Gary Bauer Quotes about:
Interrogation Techniques Quotes
Enhanced interrogation is not to be considered lightly, but the use of enhanced interrogation techniques does not require moral people to abandon their beliefs. Rather, it is precisely during these difficult times that one's beliefs about life, justice and mercy become indispensible.
Believe Quotes
Republicans rarely criticize Obama for lack of empathy - in part because liberals have traditionally been seen as standing up for the weak and the vulnerable. Conservatives can be just as empathetic. But they believe that, in most cases, it's not government's role to be the primary dispenser of empathy.
Children Quotes
If Republicans are aiming for the heart, for compassion, the last thing they should do is abandon the sanctity of life. Instead, they should tell Americans that they believe in the dignity and value of every human being, from the defenseless unborn child, to the newborn with a disability, to the 90-year-old dealing with dementia.
Civil Quotes
Particularly black Americans, many of them, from quotes that I have seen and conversations I've had, are sort of insulted that the civil rights movement is being hijacked - the rhetoric of the civil rights movement is being hijacked for something like same sex marriage. Black Americans tend to have a higher degree of religiosity.
Assisted Quotes
Human life has dignity at every age; the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia. We must encourage new efforts to assist patients approaching the end of life to cope with their pain through medical, psychological, and social means.
Both Quotes
It is far more likely that China will change the WTO than the WTO will change China. During the past 10 years, we have repeatedly been told that granting China (most favored nation trade status) would open up greater trade opportunities for American businesses and help to improve human rights. Both of these claims have proven to be unfounded.
Among Quotes
The abortion industry can try to improve its 'messaging' all it wants. But unless abortion advocates change their devotion to abortion-on-demand, the only message Americans will receive is that the abortion industry is only really interested in improving its bottom line at the expense of the most defenseless among us.
Applied Quotes
With so much at stake, to many of us it seems ill-advised to nominate somebody that we're then told we should have faith in, when there isn't any evidence of intellectual rigor being applied to these contentious issues. There are probably seven to eight names that have been looked to, have written wonderful decisions that are strong intellectually, compelling in their presentation. They are the kind of people you want to look to if you want to try to move the legal culture in America.
Anybody Quotes
People can get out of the homosexual lifestyle; those people exist. I spoke at their convention just a few weeks ago. There were hundreds of them, now happily married, now with families of their own. I will encourage anybody I can to get out of a destructive lifestyle. And, I don't believe a healthy society can endorse it, subsidize it, or encourage it.