George Scalise Quotations
George Scalise Quotes about:
China Quotes
China has enacted a number of laws to protect intellectual property, including a law to protect semiconductor layout designs. Enforcement of IP protection laws has been widely recognized as falling short of what is needed to deter violations. In some cases, penalties for violation of IP rights are so light that they are considered to be a routine cost of doing business.
Balance Quotes
There is some evidence of inventory accumulation of semiconductors and finished electronic products during the first quarter of 2006. We expect the electronic industry supply chain will respond quickly as it did late in 2004 and that inventories will be in balance by the third quarter.
Adjustment Quotes
The industry is currently experiencing lower sales due to an inventory overhang and deceleration in the end-equipment markets. Current forecasts suggest the inventory adjustment will be completed by the end of the third quarter, and end-market product demand will improve later in the year.