Granth Sahib Quotations | Page 5
Granth Sahib Quotes about:
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After their death, where will they be sent? The sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage give them no place of protection, and no Brahmin will eat their food. They remain polluted forever, day and night; they do not apply the ceremonial tilak mark to their foreheads. They sit together in silence, as if in mourning; they do not go to the Lord's Court.
Balance Quotes
If I were to place the earth upon a scale and balance it with a single copper coin; and if I were to become so great that I could not be contained, and if I were to control and lead all; and if I were to possess so much power within my mind that I could cause others to do my bidding - so what?
Attached Quotes
In the third watch, both hunger and thirst bark for attention, and food is put into the mouth. That which is eaten becomes dust, but they are still attached to eating. In the fourth watch, they become drowsy. They close their eyes and begin to dream. Rising up again, they engage in conflicts; they set the stage as if they will live for 100 years. If at all times, at each and every moment, they live in the fear of God - O Nanak, the Lord dwells within their minds, and their cleansing bath is true.