Graydon Carter
Graydon Carter
Edward Graydon Carteris a Canadian-born American journalist and has served as the editor of Vanity Fair since 1992. He also co-founded, with Kurt Andersen and Tom Phillips, the satirical monthly magazine Spy in 1986...
Date of Birth14 July 1949
CountryUnited States of America
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In Britain, libel damages are small and people build them into the cost of doing business. In America, libel is very rare and much harder to prove, but the damages are enormous.
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In this age of 24-7 headlines, the term 'newsweekly' seems almost quaint.
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It could fairly be said that America, during the Bush years, has entered an Age of Denial - arguably the first stage of a nation's decline.
Whatever age we are is the age we’ve always been.
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In an age when all that was old seems new again, Bernard DeVoto's The Hour couldn't have made a more timely reappearance. This book reminds me of one of the joys of being an adult-cocktail hour!
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To discuss a Martin Amis book, you must first discuss the orchestrated release of a Martin Amis book. In London, which rightly prides itself on the vibrancy of its literary cottage industry, Amis is the Steve Jobs of book promoters, and his product rollouts are as carefully managed as anything Apple dreams up.
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In the Digital Age, recorders also tend to be oversharers, and with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, they can do so on a grand scale.
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It could fairly be said that the U.S. is increasingly out of step with the rest of the world. As our neighbors to the south elect left-wing or even socialist governments, we are lurching further to the right. As Europe becomes less engaged to the Church, we are becoming more fundamentalist.