Greg Evans Quotations
Greg Evans Quotes about:
Break Quotes
Nicotine withdrawal was very much like trying to s*** a melon. The pressure was remarkable! Seemingly an impossible task. I would break out into sweats, cough, curse, yell, and wake up periodically throughout the night from vicious nightmares. Three full weeks of endless torment without relief. The incommodiousness of it all.
Music Quotes
I enjoy writing to Mozart's Requiem Mass; and the Kyrie with an energy and beauty that on occasion has moved me to tears. And upon it's completion I lay upon the bed as if in a post coital perplexity. By the end of the chef-d'oeuvre I'm in curious shape. To put into words the sounds that reach into the depths of me I cannot. To put into words the sentiment, and fervor, joy, anguish, humor, and love; the ignis fatuus, I cannot, but only be amazed each and every time.
Bloom Quotes
The words bloom like Spring flowers and pullulate as falling leaves in Autumn. Fresh invigorate swirls of the pen delight the pages with imagery, symbolism, theater, and emotion that pulsates with the passion of an estranged lover's heart. Love is where it comes from. A love that defies words and entertains madness.
Perseverance Quotes
The snow was falling heavily outside. I sat before a blank page for close to ten hours. I refused to get up; instead attempted with great pains to coerce stubborn thoughts from my noodle. Useless it seemed until the 11th hour and then all I'd seen and felt and heard, arrived, and was transcribed effortlessly like the tune of chirping birds.
Active Quotes
Exhaustion cripples me, sleep has become a nostalgia, the studying, focus, awe and frustration is perpetual, day morphs to night and vice versa, I dream of law, the rules of William Strunk Jr., Calill and the smoke ball, participial phrase, the active voice, Erin, colloquialisms, Boone v. Coe, my nerve endings seem to be losing sensation yet my mind is a raging fire. I love it all. I love my life.