Gretchen Fieser Quotations
Ask Quotes
I'm all for people who know rabbits, do the research, ask questions, do the soul-searching, and make sure they're in the position to have a bunny. That's great. But they really need to think about it. We have a fairly lengthy application for bunnies. Not to discourage people -- we want them to realize what they're getting into. It's not a live decoration to leave in a cage.
Chew Quotes
I would never recommend leaving them unattended. They do tend to dig into your carpet. Electrical cords -- if you're not watching, look out. Your expensive stereo could be toast. They do tend to chew on things. You don't want them to be chewing on something that will electrocute them, or upset you if it gets damaged.
Adopted Quotes
A female rabbit can get pregnant again within hours of giving birth. So it's important to get them spayed or neutered. Male rabbits tend to be a little calmer when they're neutered -- they don't spray, that sort of thing. All the animals adopted from us are already spayed or neutered.