Harris DeLoach Quotations
Base Quotes
Fourth quarter 2005 base earnings were robust due primarily to increased volume in our Consumer Packaging and Packaging Services segments and company wide productivity improvements and cost containment. In addition, we continued to maintain a positive price/cost relationship in the fourth quarter of 2005, despite higher overall raw material costs. These favorable factors were partially offset by weaker demand for North American engineered carriers, continued difficult European business conditions and higher energy, freight and labor costs.
Ability Quotes
We believe the Company's 2005 results validate our overall growth strategy and specifically our Total Solutions initiative. During 2006, we will remain focused on growing our top line and improving margins by managing productivity and costs within our businesses. I have never been more confident in our ability to achieve sustainable and profitable growth.
Certainty Quotes
Sonoco delivered on its key performance initiatives in 2005. The Company experienced sustained quarterly earnings increases, margin improvement and double-digit sales growth driven by acquisitions, improved company wide volume coming from significant new consumer product and market development, and geographical expansion. Our employees remained focused on meeting the needs of our customers while improving productivity and managing costs in all of our businesses. We continued our efforts to successfully hedge the majority of our natural gas needs to provide more certainty of energy costs, and we maintained a positive price/cost relationship, despite rising costs in most raw materials.