Heather Dougherty
Heather Dougherty
advertising brands controlled environment far few glam good hesitant luxury market might obviously offering online stronger test time
I think it's a very good time for this. The advertising market is obviously far stronger than a few years ago, and Glam is going after a lot of luxury brands that hadn't yet come online then, and who still might be hesitant about it, and offering them a very controlled environment to test the waters.
advertising brands controlled environment far few glam good hesitant luxury market might obviously offering online stronger test time
I think it's a very good time for this, ... The advertising market is obviously far stronger than a few years ago, and Glam is going after a lot of luxury brands that hadn't yet come online then, and who still might be hesitant about it, and offering them a very controlled environment to test the waters.
advertising brands controlled environment far few glam hesitant luxury market might obviously offering online stronger test
The advertising market is obviously far stronger than a few years ago, and Glam is going after a lot of luxury brands that hadn't yet come online then and who still might be hesitant about it, and offering them a very controlled environment to test the waters,