Homeris best known as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. He was believed by the ancient Greeks to have been the first and greatest of the epic poets. Author of the first known literature of Europe, he is central to the Western canon...
home men doe
It is the bold man who every time does best, at home or abroad.
death men eulogy
And they die an equal death — the idler and the man of mighty deeds.
god men ifs
If any man obeys the gods, they listen to him also.
men greed world
Nothing in the world is so incontinent as a man's accursed appetite.
spring fall men
Like leaves on trees the race of man is found,- Now green in youth, now withering on the ground; Another race the following spring supplies: They fall successive, and successive rise.
men sky light
The sun rose on the flawless brimming sea into a sky all brazen-all one brightening for gods immortal and for mortal men on plowlands kind with grain.
men baths cologne
I'm not a bath man myself. More of a cologne man.
men body fats
All my life I've been an obese man trapped inside a fat man's body.
prayer heart men
Goddess-nurse of the young, give ear to my prayer, and grant that this woman may reject the love-embraces of youth and dote on grey-haired old men whose powers are dulled, but whose hearts still desire.
life men tree
As leaves on the trees, such is the life of man.
life men woe
To labour is the lot of man below; And when Jove gave us life, he gave us woe.