Hugh Dillon
Hugh Dillon
Hugh Dillonis a Canadian musician and actor. Dillon was the lead singer of the Headstones during the 1990s. He has also been a film and television actor, some of his notable roles including Mike Sweeney in Durham County and Ed Lane in Flashpoint...
ProfessionTV Actor
Date of Birth31 May 1963
CityKingston, Canada
life-is-too-short life-is-short effort
Life is too short to spend in negativity. So I have made a conscious effort to not be where I don't want to be.
essence organic rock totally
It's just totally organic ... It's the essence of rock 'n' roll, ... It's got more to do with the songwriting than with the show.
jobs kinds
Not that I haven't had those kinds of jobs.
movies music using
I'm working consistently, and they're using my music in the movies,