Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh; born 29 January 1963) is a senior political leader of Hamas and formerly one of two disputed Prime Ministers of the Palestinian National Authority. Haniyeh became prime minister after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 June 2007 at the height of the Fatah–Hamas conflict, but Haniyeh did not acknowledge the decree and continued to exercise prime ministerial authority in the Gaza Strip...
Date of Birth29 January 1963
CountryPalestine, State of
The government is ready for dialogue with the Quartet. The European Union has provided a lot of aid to our people, and supported our right for freedom. ... We are interested in a strong relation with Europe.
We call on you to understand the priorities of our Palestinian people at this stage and continue the spiritual and financial support in order to push the region towards stability rather than pressure and tension.