Jackson Katz
Jackson Katz
Jackson T. Katzis an American educator, filmmaker, and author. He is a creator of a gender violence prevention and education program entitled Mentors in Violence Prevention, which has been actively marketed to the U.S. military and various sporting organizations...
Date of Birth7 May 1960
CountryUnited States of America
Jackson Katz quotes about
violent-acts media blood
When media coverage sets up a binary opposition between 'the accuser' and 'the accused,' there is no longer a victim or even an alleged victim - a flesh and blood person who was harmed by the violent act of another.
boys our-society way
Sociopathy is the extreme manifestation of the way we socialize boys in our society,
men bits
Men are every bit as gendered as women.
believe athlete men
Elite athletes learn entitlement. They believe they are entitled to have women serve their needs. It's part of being a man. It's the cultural construction of masculinity.
smart rap gangsta
If the KKK was smart enough, they would've created gangsta rap because it's such a caricature of black culture and black masculinity.
sports winning media
In corporate culture, in sports culture, in the media, we honor those who win at all costs.
political language usage
Language usage always has a political context.
war father mean
Many young men in the 1960s and 1970s came to reject some of the traditional ideas about manhood that many of their fathers tried to pass down - like unquestioning respect for authority even when that might mean killing and dying for questionable or unjust causes such as the Vietnam War.
school news shooting
Typical news accounts and commentaries about school shootings and rampage killings rarely mention gender.
real enjoy treated
In real life, women dont enjoy being degraded and treated like objects/receptacles.
winning games goal
Ben Roethlisberger is a proven winner in athletic competition. But the measure of a true leader is how they conduct themselves 24/7, not just during a winning touchdown drive or a goal-line stance. Leadership isn't something that gets switched off because the game clock expires.