John Campbell Quotations
John Campbell Quotes about:
Animals Quotes
Most of the viewers of wildlife hunting shows and videos have no idea how much of a challenge (hence the name of the competition) it is to successfully film a hunt for free-ranging animals in the wild. This competition highlights the skills of the cameramen who help bring the 'outdoors' indoors to millions of viewers.
Amount Quotes
Logging has sometimes been cited as a way to reduce fuels that could feed future fires. But not everything leaves on the log truck. We found that the process of logging in this type of situation actually produces a large amount of fine fuels on the ground that, unless removed, could increase fire risk, not decrease it.
Appeal Quotes
This year, we started group sales for the first time. I think that has been successful. We actually had a group of 120 coming in one night. Our goal this year, was to try to fill up as many seats as we could. We had ticket giveaway programs. We had two-for-one specials. We're trying to broaden our audience and appeal to younger people.
Bill Quotes
The whole point of this bill was to create incentives for a technology that is currently too expensive so that over time it will become cost- competitive, ... Now, the unions will be artificially increasing the cost of the already too expensive technology in order to line their own pockets.