Kim Gray
Kim Gray
asian embrace good herself identify inside segregated solely though
It's good to not just live inside your own little box. Even though I want her to embrace her Asian culture, I want her to also embrace all cultures. I don't want her to identify herself solely as an Asian person. The world is a segregated world, but we're all the same, we're all God's children.
asia bit bringing china culture embrace embracing expect experience living since
Since she wouldn't be able to be a part of it there, we're bringing a little bit of China to her. I know I would never be able to make up that experience of living in Asia for her, but we can experience part of her culture here. Why would I expect her to embrace my culture without me embracing hers.
adopted asian culture family hinder missed piece push
I don't want her to feel like she's missed out on a piece of her culture. I just want her to be who she is, not push it or hinder it. And we're a part of her family now, so in a way she's adopted us and we're part of the Asian culture too.