Leatrice Eiseman
Leatrice Eiseman
Leatrice Eiseman is an American color specialist, who assists companies in their color choice in a range of areas, including packaging, logos, and interior design. She is the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, a division of Pantone, Inc., and the author of six books on color, one of which won an award from the Independent Publisher's Association...
aesthetic allow aspect bad besides good great invariably knowing locks mirror people pink says softer standpoint themselves tones using vibrate
Pink always says soft. But that's not a bad thing! A lot of guys, when they allow themselves to try the color, they look in the mirror and say, 'Hey, I look pretty good in this.' Any of the rosy tones really vibrate well for the skin. So I think besides using pink from a psychological standpoint (to show their softer side), there's also the aesthetic aspect - knowing they look good and having people say, 'Wow, that's a great look on you,' which invariably will happen. And that really locks it.