Luis Palau, an international Christian evangelist living in the Portland area in Oregon, United States. He was born in Argentina and moved to Portland in his mid-twenties to enroll in a graduate program in Biblical studies... (wikipedia)
Evangelism is not an option for the Christian life.
When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God.
God is not disillusioned with us. He never had any illusions to begin with.
It's bad when you fail morally. It's worse when you don't repent.
Feast of the Holy Innocents The most thrilling thing you can ever do is win someone to Christ. And it's contagious. Once you do it, you don't want to stop.
One encounter with Jesus Christ is enough to change you, instantly, forever.
I thought, what's skateboarding? I mean, I'm a grandpa, what do I know? ... And then, suddenly, the crowds were there and they began to double, then triple, now 10 times what we used to have before.
There will be something for everybody, ... We want the community to see that the church can throw a good party.
Commemoration of Katherine of Alexandria, Martyr, 4th century Most people feel unworthy of forgiveness. They have a tremendous sense of unworthiness, even if outwardly they are antagonistic toward God and the Gospel.
This feels a little bit like heaven, ... There's everybody here.
I'm not discouraged. I'm perplexed that the Lord would allow this rain to come and despite all our prayers -- it's still coming, ... I do not doubt the goodness of God. When we get to heaven . . . we'll find out why this happened.
You'll never forget October 9, 2005, ... Every time you see the National Mall, every time you see that [Capitol] building back there, every time you see the national monument, you'll say 'I met God on the National Mall.'
Jesus Christ's claim of divinity is the most serious claim anyone ever made. Everything about Christianity hinges on His carnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. That's what Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter are all about.
When it comes to responding to Jesus, I find it's important to distinguish between reverence, religion, and relationship.
A nation will not be moved by timid methods.
Have you stopped seeing great things happen in your life? Perhaps you have stopped believing that God can work in a mighty way even in our generation.
The church is like manure. Pile it up, and it stinks up the neighborhood. Spread it out, and it enriches the world.
Don’t be afraid to speak from personal experience; in many ways, those vulnerable moments will be the key that unlocks a hardened heart.