Mark Davis Quotations
Accountant Quotes
I think they'll be concerned, but ultimately supportive, ... Look, an accountant might have looked at actuarial tables and said it wasn't cost-efficient to have levees to protect against a Category 5 storm because the odds of that hitting the area were slim, and the odds of it overtopping levees even if it hit were slim as well.
Acted Quotes
The issue in this case is whether the threat of a potential rabies epidemic is entitled to be taken seriously by public health officials whose very job it is to protect the citizens of the county. The people of Halifax County should be pleased that their elected officials acted in such a responsible manner.
Ask Quotes
How can we expect the nation to believe us that we need these projects to save the coastal wetlands that are vital to ourselves and to the nation, when we ask for a blank check and no oversight over $200 billion packed with projects that have nothing to do with either floor protection of the city of New Orleans or restoring the coast?