Mike Lee Quotations
Mike Lee Quotes about:
America Quotes
Reforms to our complex and dysfunctional immigration system should not in any way favor those who came here illegally over the millions of applicants who seek to come here lawfully ... Additionally, the framework carves out a special exception for agricultural workers that has little justification. Maintaining the safety of America's food supply is an important goal, but it is unclear why immigrants in this sector should achieve special status over skilled workers in industries equally important to the American economy.
Technology Quotes
If you're in Australia and you're into technology, Yow! is a no-brainer, but I am going to sing their praises anyway. I've never been so humbled to meet another speaker, or so honored to be in the presence of an conference organizer, as I have been with Yow! It's not just impressive. It's a reason to go to Australia.
War Quotes
If you are planning a visit to Europe, you're probably thinking about Berlin, but if you've never been to Berlin, you're actually thinking about Warsaw. If you have been to Berlin, you'll feel you've gone back in time 10 years. Either way, there's no travel like business travel, and there's no better excuse to visit Warsaw than MCE. Be sure to visit the museum of the Warsaw resistance while you're there to learn some things about World War 2 they left out of your textbook.
Thinking Quotes
You can't call 360|iDev the most important indie conference in the world, because it shares that title with NSConference, and you're not seeing the whole world of Apple unless you go to both. Everybody love NSConference, but I think what's most amazing is that the organizers have been expanding and evolving the production every year, yet it somehow keeps getting better.
Cities Quotes
If you're crossing an ocean for NSConference, there's a good chance you're stopping in Amsterdam. Come a week early and check out Mdevcon. It's a great scene, and the perfect warmup, but it's also worth it just to see the most beautiful venue in the most livable city in the world. You can even attend some Appsterdam events while you're in town. ;)
Doors Quotes
The theory behind AltConf is simple: it's worth being in town for WWDC, even if you don't have tickets, and if you're already there, you might as well go to the conference next door. The reality of what AltConf has become is an important addition to the very controlled stream of information Apple provides. Some of the industry's best speakers don't work at Apple, and some of the industry's most important topics aren't being discussed by Hair Force One.
Taken Quotes
You know, in a business, you have to operate on the basis of voluntary investment by individuals in a cause. With government, there is no voluntary effort to invest capital. It's just taken and invested. And the same accountability is not at play. The same natural forces in the economy are not at play.
Views Quotes
That's why we have senators and members of congress from every state. That's why we have elections. Because the people speak and there are different viewpoints out there. It doesn't mean just because we're members of one party or another, doesn't mean that we behave monolithically. It means that we will express our view points.
Freedom Quotes
The USA Freedom Act does not propose that we abandon any and all efforts to analyze telephone data, what we're talking about here is a program that currently contemplates the collection of all data just as a routine matter and the aggregation of all that data in one database. That causes concerns for a lot of people... There's a lot of potential for abuse.