Since the last meeting, you should have received from me comments on Chapter 7, which is the resources of community character.
One of the areas that I have pointed out is the need to have more details about the golf course.
What you need to do is not just look at the map, but integrate what is said in the DEIS and the comments and put them in context.
I think you really created a separate district there. You need to draw lines around it. You have a rural district that's not farmland, an agriculture district with agriculture in there, and then open fields.
Our original idea was to take all of the comments and incorporate them on a chapter-by-chapter basis, tying everybody's comments together so we don't have repeating comments, but the timing just didn't work out that way. You'll see additions come in as they come in.
You haven't made a decision on how dense you want the hamlets. That's the first step.
They all need to be read, discussed, and understood by the planning board.
At least, read through the comments to be familiar with the concerns while looking at the map.
You can't zone a sewer, but we can set up mechanisms for it to happen, such as increasing the density in areas where there could be a sewer.
The golf course is used throughout the document as mitigation, and they need to have some detail on what it's going to look like and how it's going to function.