Paul Lopez
Paul Lopez
food invite putting shoes side table worker
We invite the other side to participate, so they feel what it's like in the shoes of an undocumented worker putting food on the table for his family.
allowed amazing child demands seeing students time
With the amazing time demands on students here, something that allowed me to do something as significant as seeing my first child for the first time, well, I was grateful.
debate gives march
It gives the debate a megaphone, it gives the march a megaphone.
ancestors country later people seeds sow taught treat
Our ancestors taught them how to sow maize, later how to sow the seeds of this country. And now they treat us like this . . . treat us like criminals. Our people just come here to work.
Every workers should be honored, every worker should be respected.
apartheid modern people rights work
It's a modern day slavery. It's a modern day apartheid when people here are being used for their work and they don't have any rights whatsoever.
card catalogs college crutch finding happens hours internet library line modern practical reduce saying spend teach workplace
It's like saying the Internet is a crutch because back in the day we used to go to the library and pore through the card catalogs to spend two more hours finding some information. That's not what happens in the workplace anymore, so why teach it? This is about new modalities here and everywhere. It will not reduce the college experience. It is in line with modern and practical expectations.