Peer Steinbruck
Peer Steinbruck
Peer Steinbrückis a German social democraticpolitician. He was the SPD candidate for Chancellor of Germany in the 2013 federal election. From 2002 to 2005 he was the 8th Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia. From 2005 to 2009 he served as German Federal Minister of Finance in the cabinet of Angela Merkel. He was nominated by his party as opposition candidate for Chancellor on 28 September 2012. He is generally considered a member of the more conservative wing of the party...
Date of Birth10 January 1947
CityHamburg, Germany
One has to explain to people that the EU in this form is the answer both to 1945 and to the 21st century, in a dramatically altered world with new heavyweights, and that Germany benefits from the continued integration of Europe in political, economic and societal ways. And, of course, that means the Germans will have to pay.
When I look at the chaotic and volatile debate right now, both in Germany and around the world, my impression and concern is that the daily barrage of proposals and political statements is making markets and consumers even more nervous. Still, Brussels is pressing for a joint European approach.