Ric Flair Quotations
Ric Flair Quotes about:
Thinking Quotes
People think its hard to travel to the airports. 9/11 has made our travel difficult, with the security laws and that. As far as comparing what we do to driving 3,000 miles a week, making fifty bucks a night, sometimes one hundred bucks a night, its a lot different. Guaranteed contracts, first class air fare, Hilton hotels in London, Champaign. Waddaya want? What more could you ask for!
Perfect Quotes
I thought Chris Benoit was worthy of being a Horseman. I thought Dean Melinko was. Obviously I thought Steven Michael was, though obviously he was inexperienced, I thought he was a perfect fit as a horseman. I did not like the Paul Roma deal. I did not like Sid Vicious or about two or three guys that they put in there, I just couldnt see it. I couldnt stomach it, but I had to.
Guy Quotes
I'd love to see Sting come back. The guys that had the potential to make any money and draw any money, they came. The ones that made it, made it, and the ones that didn't, didn't. The list of those who made it, theres lots the list of those who didn't make it are longer then the ones who did.
Kissing Quotes
It’s so hard for me to sit back here in this studio, looking at a guy out here, hollering my name!—When last year I spent more money, on spilled liquor, in bars from one side of this world to the other, than you made! You’re talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, whoa! wheelin dealin’, limosuine riding, jet flying son of a gun and I’m having a hard time holding these alligators down!