Richard Davis Quotations
Richard Davis Quotes about:
Choice Quotes
We're trying to teach them now that if they see something, if they hear something to tell somebody. They are not in this alone. There are people out here to help them and if they'll stand up and be responsible make a good choice then they'll have a good consequence... and that there are people that will help them.
Bubble Quotes
I've been whining for two or three years that we've got to get consolidation in this space, ... In the bubble you had way too many companies go public. All these companies turned out to be features and not companies. Now part of the driver is a realization by the big companies that this is a way to capture growth.
Anniversary Quotes
It's fitting that so many of our service oriented programs and initiatives are aligning in April, when we also celebrate the 10-year anniversary of our signature Five Star Service Guarantee. It truly is the heart of our brand and symbolic of how we approach our business and the partnership we have with our customers.