Rick McCallum Quotations
Rick McCallum Quotes about:
Amazed Quotes
I'm amazed nobody's had a problem with that whatsoever, ... They can all identify with that. It's like your mother having cancer or your sister being hit by a car -- there are so many things subliminally in people's lives that make them relate to him, but it was a very tough concept on paper to get through.
Answer Quotes
He envisions somewhere like 100 hours between Episode III and Episode IV with a lot of characters that we haven't met but have been developed in other novels and other things. So we're really excited about that because I think finally we can have the opportunity to answer everybody's questions once and for all by the time we finish the series.
Addicted Quotes
He loves his wife so much that he thinks he is doing something to protect and save her, ... But what he's really doing is he's getting addicted to power. The more power he gets the more he wants and then once you do that, there's nothing left because you're willing to sacrifice everything. At the end of the day, Anakin sacrifices his family. He does fulfill his destiny after another 25 years and lets his son live and basically dies redeeming himself. But he goes through a lot of s--- and causes a lot of pain to people for a long time.
Against Quotes
Knowing George, there will be another version of this film, because he loves to tinker, ... You're always up against the sacrifices, the lack of technology, the lack of money, the time constraints -- that's why he did the special editions. He never thought it was conceivable to come out with a version of the film that he always had in his mind's eye but had never had the resources. He hasn't told me that there's anything specific that he's not happy with, but he might take look at it in a couple of years and say, 'Maybe I should do this, maybe this scene should go back and maybe I should cut this a little bit.'
Feeling Quotes
We're working on two Star Wars TV series, so it's not over yet, ... I also have a feeling that, since George loves to tinker with his films, one day when I'm old he'll wake me and say (speaks in an old voice), 'It's time to rework Star Wars ? one ... more ... time. ' At least, that's my nightmare.
Assistant Quotes
We thought about it, ... One of our assistant editors did the dialogue that George wrote for him. It was one line. It was never during shooting, but in post-production. He did a little Liam sound-alike but it just didn't work, (the scene) was more powerful without it. There was so much buzz about it on the Internet that Liam actually called me to find out if there was any truth to it. I said, 'No, we're going to do it without you this time.' You could feel that there was a presence of him there.
Becomes Quotes
There are a group of people out there who are fascinated by the very creative process of what it's like to put all this s--- together, to change things and see the impact those changes have, ... It's like the extended versions of 'The Lord of the Rings.' One of the great things about having conversations with Peter Jackson about it, was finding out, that, people who didn't like 'Lord of the Rings,' particularly, liked it a lot more in the extended versions because everything made more sense for them. Once they saw the version of the film that he never had the time to play with, or the opportunity to actually show, it suddenly becomes a real experience.
Air Quotes
When you make a lot of movies, some of them don't work. So when something does work and people are genuinely moved and you have 150 million people worldwide seeing a movie, believe me, it feels good and you want to snatch those victories from the air and hold onto them as long as you can, ... It just doesn't happen very often in the film business no matter whose career it is.
Against Quotes
That's such s---, I promise you, ... I know there's one line -- 'You're either with me or you're against me' -- that echoes something. But that was actually in the script way before it even became a nightmare that it was possible that Bush could become president. That line has been echoed since the beginning of time.