Robert Evans Quotations
Cement Quotes
Four years ago I had a stroke, I was declared dead and I'm writing a sequel to my book. It's going to be called "The Fat Lady Sang". I heard the fat lady sing and I saw the white light. I woke up in the hospital, then a month ago I put my foot into cement at the Mann's Chinese Theatre.
Activity Quotes
While we were excited about the Pro Bowl taking place last Sunday and expected increased activity over last year on par for our typical growth patterns, what astounded us was the record-setting activity we saw emanating from New York City and the New England areas in our casino and poker rooms before, during and after the game. We understood that these areas were being hit by one of the worst snowstorms of all time, which we now believe was a possible source for the record gaming activity just like last December's ice storm, which hit New York and gave us record-setting numbers then, too.
Thinking Quotes
Antidepressants are the biggest fraud in the world. Number one, Prozac gives you a royal soft-on like you wouldn't believe, and number two you never know all the side effects. I look at the pharmaceutical companies as the drug barons, the psychopharmcologists as the mules and the patients as the victims. They're innocent because they think they're being cured.
Moving Quotes
I can pick up a screenplay and flip through the pages. If all I see is dialog, dialog, dialog, I won't even read it. I don't care how good the dialog is - it's a moving picture. It has to move all the time... It's not the stage. A movie audience doesn't have the patience to sit and learn a lesson. Their eyes need to be dazzled. The writer is the most important element in the entire film because if it ain't on the page it ain't going to be on the screen.