Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert
Roger Joseph Ebertwas an American film critic and historian, journalist, screenwriter, and author. He was a film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, Ebert became the first film critic to win the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism. As of 2010, his reviews were syndicated to more than 200 newspapers in the United States and abroad. Ebert also published more than 20 books and dozens of collected reviews...
Date of Birth18 June 1942
CityUrbana, IL
CountryUnited States of America
Blockbusters run the mainstream industry. We may never again have a decade like the 1970s, when directors were able to find such freedom.
Many thrillers follow such reliable formulas that you can look at what's happening and guess how much longer a film has to run.
An actress should never, ever, be asked to run beside a van in red disco boots for more than about half a block, and then only if her child is being kidnapped.