Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton
Scott Scovell Hamiltonis a retired American figure skater and Olympic gold medalist. He won four consecutive U.S. championships, four consecutive World Championshipsand a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. His signature move is a backflip, a feat that few other figure skaters could perform and is against USFSA and Olympic competition rules, but which he would include in his exhibition routines to please the crowd...
ProfessionFigure Skater
Date of Birth28 August 1958
CityToledo, OH
CountryUnited States of America
We know other people are hurting. There is a large sum of money that might be available for other programs.
There is not a particular timetable for the decision on the loan application. But we will begin to review it immediately.
MDA strongly supports a community's need to be ready for development and to have an inventory of available sites and locations. But traditionally the state hasn't invested in sites before a project is actually determined.