Sorin Cerin Quotations
Sorin Cerin Quotes about:
Absurd Quotes
Only then man will raise his eyes to the sun that caressed with its rays so many millennia of frustration and anguish, of absurd and uncertainty, of lack of power and suffering. He will hail the sun and the stars and everything that surrounds him knowing they are all vanity of vanities. Vanity of vanities that will give man a meaning! This vanity of vanities will tell the man that he truly dreams his own Illusion of Life, that he finally found the meaning!
Became Quotes
Only than the villains of the Hierarchy will turn their face to the man hooked by millennia of self treason and will realize that they are on the top of that pyramid due to the one they, the elites, have humiliated and brutalized elites who became what they are due to this MAN! They will realize that they are nothing without this man and only then they will know that they are no longer elites, but people!
Absurd Quotes
Only this way the human life will escape its own burden, its own image, its own Destiny, the vanity, the deceit and the absurd, the strange coldness of this world, finally choosing the complete peace of the Nirvana it was looking throughout its historical evolution, a strange and absurd Nirvana itself in reference to the increasingly humble and insignificant being compared to it, to the stranger that replaces more often self and more inhumanly, that mocks her creating it a society increasingly petty and absurd. Is suicide the saving solution of the mankind? Is it not any other way through which man would chase away the alien within him, the absurd and the anxiety so that he can find his Sacred Self that was stolen so many millennia ago? What other way could there be except suicide?
Beyond Quotes
I have starred in the endless sky, where only clouds can run free, understanding that if will go beyond those clouds, if I conquer the entire universe I will conquer NOTHING, because this is a lie too, as big as I am, a mere Illusion of my Life or other bloody illusions of the lives of other that loose themselves in their reflection in other destinies giving birth to the historical evolution of this lie and with it to the holy book of the spirituality of peoples, in fact the holy book of the spirituality of illusions that were once reflected as images, just like flashes in the Great Void-Being.
Alien Quotes
We can neither speak of superior nor inferior divinity, but only of divinity, because no divinity ever wished to be superior or inferior as true divinity is a part of man as the Man is a part of divinity and consequently, neither man nor divinity are alien to each other, but a family, a whole. This is why divinity cannot beat, nor torture. Divinity is neither hidden nor infamous as the man divinity deems to be like this, but only the emancipation and the destruction of the negative side of the individual divinity of the man, with which he contributed to the social divinity that was going in the wrong direction eventually lead to hiding the evil in man, so necessary otherwise in order to define and reference Good, but only for balancing Good and Evil and not for the balance to be overthrown by one of its elements.
Acceptance Quotes
Holiness is neither that passionate love of the beginning, nor the tormenting anxiety of the long waits and of the moonlight walks, but is that superior form of friendship that is given this time a true eternal look, of comprehension, of acceptance of the self sacrifice for friendship, understanding and complementarity. Holiness occurs when the two souls involved in this phenomenon becomes complementary, become one. When those two become one, when the unity can no longer be destroyed, then love acquires the meaning of holiness. Holiness is piety and faith, is fulfilment and self sacrifice, because holiness requires all of this. Faith is a characteristic of the holiness and this is why it is blind to many of the reasons in every day life
Call Quotes
Knowledge is nothing else than reflection or mirroring. Knowledge exists in itself only if this reflection or mirroring does and by no other way. The self of Knowledge is what is reflected or mirrored in it. If Love is mirrored in it, it does not mean that it is Knowledge, but it stays Love, except for the fact that it is mirrored by Knowledge, or mirror as I call it..
Accidental Quotes
It is possible to claim only through extrapolation, by abstracting, by redrawing the man from his voyage of his own imaginary Destiny that the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one, the Matrix Word of Love is a God of man, because the Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is the attribute of the Matrix Word of Creation and determines the image of Knowledge, it is a stranger to existence even if he determines it. It is a stranger and it is outside the existence because the Existence becomes a mere Personalisation of the Person, and the existence, just like other personalizations before it, has a infinity of opposites, and our Creating Factor which is Love, determines this infinity of opposites of the existence, thus making whole the infinite worlds of Knowledge, worlds of The Image, worlds of reflection, worlds with DESTINY!
Becomes Quotes
Paradoxically, all these wonderful dimensions that we want for our being are completely missing, being a hope, a dream about the perfection of the being. Then this hope and dream of perfection is materialized in the vision we have on our soul mate. Moreover, if we are under the impression that we know what we would want as perfection, it always remains a mere false impression and nothing more, because then the event of a Great Love occurs, we realize that what we thought to be perfection is false, and the novelty of the new imagine on the perfection embodies by the lover makes us feel that intense feeling of suffocating love, precisely because we find our new standard for perfection, which becomes this way superior to the old one.
Accidental Quotes
Our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one left its print on a soil alien tot him, but on which human kind will germinate along with an infinity of other worlds.I think that the loss of the sacred self by the man on the roulette of history was due to the Matrix Word of Knowledge, or more precisely to the Mirror, that changed the meaning of the Self Love of man with the sense of the self Knowledge!
Absolute Quotes
The Absolute Truth of Knowledge is precisely non-Knowledge. If this Mirror called Knowledge remains in the phase where nothing is reflected in it, then it does not have a Self anymore, it does not have any element, is as empty and sterile as if it were not. Thus the Mirror is non-Knowledge more than it is Knowledge and becomes Knowledge only when other Prints of the Matrix Words reflect in it.
Ages Quotes
This will be the true sacerdotal human being that will look in the distance of the space of the universe as the ages of billions and billions of years, long before the age when man was enslaved collapse on him by slowly making disappear the lights in which the life of a certain star, that could be the star of his Destiny is still wavering. Through the vanity of his own Universe, man will find his true meaning that of being equal to the Universe, to not be the one that is kneeled and enslaved to its laws. Through vanity, man will feel stronger because he will realize that he is not alone in this vanity. That he does not owe any divinity and that he is as strong as any divinity in this vanity. Then vanity will become church and shield, beauty and fulfilment.
Continuous Quotes
We all want Great Love because this is how we are built. We so often use this expression of the soul mates. We all want it to be true because, when we truly find our soul mates, we all want to end forever this continuous torment which is our own existence. Every time, the result is cruel and precise. The torment of our life will never end as long as we live.
Battle Quotes
Wars will be increasingly more hypocrite, they will pass from the classical battle field to informatics systems counting new eases to be built or that are already built in secret, where there will be rockets with increasingly greater destruction potential.All this are a part of the future and of the present of mankind, precisely because no nation wants to be trampled by those who rule mankind leading it to an increasing misery. In a world where many do not even know what to do with so much luxury and fortune, people are starving or dying on the streets, some even on the steps of the churches that promise them a better life in heavens, omitting to say that the earthly one may be improved if precisely the churches did not support the world order that is so unfair and makes so many victims nowadays.
Cardinal Quotes
Everything that starts from at least two elements towards an infinite number of elements has the opposability characteristic. The big difference consists of the fact that, in this opposability, starting from a higher level or from one equal to three elements and not to two, can define the concept of multivalent opposability in comparison to the singular opposability characteristic of the worlds which only have two cardinal elements, just like in the case of our world.
Apparent Quotes
Even though I have not loved from the beginning this wonderful soul, even though I have long disappointed and tortured it with my apparent instability, I have come to understand that when you do not seek you will find and when you do not love from the beginning you will live the greatest love, that will become the love of your life.
Absolute Quotes
And we will feel that no question has a point because it is more than untrue. We will feel that the Absolute Truth will no longer have to be said and not even sighed by no divinity or Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one because it lies in the divinity is us that cannot be known, nor referenced to something, but only felt.
Accidental Quotes
I understood how great the print of this Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one is, that he is truly love and towards who we have to act with the same love he conceived us, because everything he did was to make us feel his love, but this was not possible without a world in which the love to be reflected in one way or another, and the worlds of the Mirrors are the so-called worlds of Images, of Destiny, of so-called Knowledge which is in fact an image of Destiny. Nevertheless, cannot this image of Destiny be changed from this vision full of tragedies that the human society has at least for now?
Accidental Quotes
The saints are a part of this Unique Accidental Occurrence compared to man who is a mere Image reflected in the Mirror of Knowledge of this Accidental occurrence. Thus, through Holiness, so, through Love, man can look beyond him and act accordingly. What more does this superior form of love, which is Holiness, gives them? It gives them Purity, Strength, Shine and Kindness. Why kindness? Because the man is Kind to himself deep in his soul. He loves himself and this is why saints love too, being nothing more than a form of perfection of that piece of Love, of Divinity within the man.
Aphorism Quotes
The societies of the futures, always searching for salves, will be so greedy to have this capital which is the man, that they will find all sorts of dirty ways to religiously or culturally brutify him and even severely punishing him if he would chose suicide or the ideology that shows the true path of salvation of the mankind through itself. Precisely because they will understand that the Man is the World and the World is the Man! This aphorism will be the one that will be in the foreground on the backgrounds tainted by all these murders of the money of this society which will be the antechamber of the society of the Sacred Self.
Accept Quotes
So that we can truly admire this wonderful painting we will have to know ourselves first of all, to accept our limits and understand that if we really want to have access to this wonderful painting of the existence of the world of the Logical Coefficient 2 we will have to look inside ourselves, to see first of all the unlimited Universe, to recognise the infinite from which we were conceived and that lies in each of us in order to be granted access to the infinite outside us.
Accident Quotes
No matter how hard it is, true love is also the result of an accident in the dream of our life, and that accident is an event that happens in our soul. This event can be in another transcendental reality a volcano, a butterfly, a mountain or any other possible image we cannot even imagine.
Absolute Quotes
And then, what is the spiritual being that does not know its Sacred Self? But knowing it means to refer to non-Knowledge and be an Image from the non-Knowledge as well.Then I ask again: what is the spiritual being that does not refer its Sacred Self to non-Knowledge? Is it the Spiritual Being that no longer is an image of its own destiny in non-Knowledge? Is this being truly spiritual when the Absolute Truth of Knowledge consists precisely of non-Knowledge? Or in not knowing it?
Above Quotes
And the meaning of man in this dream of his Illusion of Life is to fulfil the man, to know that he is not in the least more insignificant than the sun or the stars, to know that the sun and the stars of the endless universe will finally become the same stardust as the man, that nothing is above him. He will know the divinity in him won the battle on the entire universe by giving it a meaning, that of a being that accepts the vanity and though this acceptance it becomes a divine being, that no longer is inferior to the universe, but equal to it, because the stras and the man will be lost in the same stardust
Absolute Quotes
Absolutely anything is Necessary is a part of this dream, just as non-Knowledge is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge, which we will never find out itself because non-Knowledge cannot be known, just the same way as the Necessary has a truth as his opposite. No! I shout it loud and clear. All these monstrous tragedies through which mankind went through throughout its historical evolution are not necessary. They happened because of ignorance, stupidity, meanness, contempt, desire for power and any other causes due only to the fact that Man lost somewhere throughout millennia his Sacred Self.
Arms Quotes
Then who are we, the blind ones and the blind folded, that do not know if we are on the side of the edge or not, but yet we run full of hope believing that we can finally embrace the infinite that runs away from us just like the horizon line that we would like to embrace with our arms full of vain hopes?
Accidental Quotes
Then we have to run towards Nowhere, to shout that we want to keep the wind on the top of our palms so wrinkled by time, to look towards our Creating Factor and Unique Accidental one and say: This is your Accidental Occurrence, our Intended Destiny, such a sad Destiny as sad as your Accidental Occurrence was in this magical world of Knowledge! Then our Creating Factor will face our sacred self because it will face towards Him!
Believes Quotes
Each soul which believes it is its own eternal evil will eternally seek its good, but the great paradox is that in order to find each other one should look for the Good and the other for the Evil because they cannot both have the same sense because they are the opposite of each other. The soul mates cannot have the same sign, but, in order to be pairs, they will have to attract, and of they both were Good, they would reject. Thus, every soul mate is the opposite of the other one.
Admit Quotes
Not even man that will re-find himself will be able to remove the vanity from this diabolic world, but he can change it from a vanity of his ideological debauchee into a vanity of self reconciliation. The divinity in man cannot admit vanity and thus it will try to replace it with new reasons for which we are born, but it will finally understand that everything is a big vanity and a great sin that no longer belongs to us but to the print that whispered our existence, full of the thorns of the moments that hunt us.
Adhere Quotes
In the beginning any man will say that he does Good, because this is the only way in which we can have a morality or a normality that would lead us to the path we seek so much, that leading to perfection, because even if man is really sinful he can be made to adhere to perfection and his self determination as a totally changed being and opposed to his self.
Acting Quotes
By loving, the man acts on himself by acting on the image of his own love with Holiness and then on the Destiny which is the image of the Love of this world. Only this way the destiny can be changed if man knows the most of his image, which remains unchanged, and this is Sacred. The image of the Destiny is sacred, because it is the ultimate form of love. Looking at the Holiness in the man we look at his destiny. Through Holiness, man acts on his destiny by understanding it, by better knowing his image, projected in this world. This is the only action man can make over destiny, knowing the most of it, but only through Holiness.
Absolute Quotes
And I told myself I was in a trap from which I wanted to escape! To escape where, do you, Man know where you want to go to break from tis inferno of your own existence? No, I do not know because I am blind and my Knowledge is in face an Illusion of Life wrapped in non-Knowledge, which is the Absolute Truth as unknown to me as the non-Knowledge.
Corner Quotes
And I retired isolated in my corner of world again, seeking to understand what is not understood and to know what is not known. What did I found out? That in the place of Everything is this Great Void-Being, on whose shoulders rests our own Life, which is nothing more than a deceitful Image in the Depths of the Great Void-Being, a Destiny.