Stuart Rothenberg Quotations
Stuart Rothenberg Quotes about:
Attention Quotes
Maybe he can put this back on the radar screen as a focus of attention for conservative Republicans. But it's a lot harder when your own party controls Congress, and now you're talking about the line-item veto because they can't control themselves or the president can't control them.
Congress Quotes
He does not have a reservoir of good will, either in Congress or in the country. People in Congress are looking for ways to disagree with him. Democrats don't seem intimidated by him. And the public doesn't see him as honest, forthright or as much as a leader as they did a year ago. He's considerably weaker.
Awful Quotes
I think we are going to hear an awful lot about reform, open government, transparent government. And most presidential elections, frankly, turn out to be about change or the status quo. Do you like the direction of the country or do you want to change it? And if you want to change it, how do you want to change it?
Both Quotes
Many Democratic elected officials are critical of the president's handling of the war and overall performance, and, at the same time, do not want to be seen as just anti-war liberal Democrats. So, they are trying to have it both ways, of being critical of the president, but, at the same time, supporting our men and women who are fighting.
Bush Quotes
I thought it was a strong night for the Republicans, John McCain talking about national security defense and foreign terrorism. I think Rudy Giuliani did a pretty good job of mixing criticism of John Kerry -- and talking about the president and his efforts on the war on terror. It was a good start. The only question is: How does it build? And will Vice President Cheney and President Bush close the deal?
Bill Quotes
Even though I'm skeptical that this kind of issue is going to pull the rug out from Al Gore, I think it's a plus for the Republicans to be able to talk about foreign policy, to talk about national security and to talk about the failure of the administration of Bill Clinton and Al Gore in this one area.
Candidates Quotes
It seems to me there's a lot of smoke here, but I don't know how much heat. To the extent that any of these candidates are going to win, they will probably win because they are Democrats in a Democratic wave year, not because all of a sudden voters have embraced them because they are veterans.
Across Quotes
For some conservatives, it was like a cold dish towel across their face, reminding them that, 'wait a second, we thought we were totally supportive of this president, now we know, maybe we have to keep an eye on him.' And, conservative groups have become much more animated and activist and second guessing of the president.