Terry Smith Quotations
Arrived Quotes
Naturally we are delighted with the conclusions arrived at by Central Scotland Police, which enable us to prove the value and interoperability that Microsoft products offer. We look forward to working with the police force to introduce new products and services, including document and record management and collaboration technology,
Allowing Quotes
We can clearly identify savings... because of the negotiation and compliance with nationwide contracts. We saved many dollars and man-hours in avoiding Y2K upgrades. We have fewer people focused on transaction processing at the business units, allowing them to spend more time on reviewing and analyzing financial results.
Accounting Quotes
There had been no standardization among desktop computers. Although it seemed as if we were changing only the accounting system (or desktop), we were implementing a large culture change. We faced a training challenge when we asked people to transition to a Windows 95 environment from DOS.
Correct Quotes
It's crazy this year, ... Three years ago, we had 5,000 tons of pellets in stock. ... Now, we are at maximum capacity, and I don't know if we can keep up. Everybody is out selling all the stoves they can, but they can't get fuel. I don't know how to correct this. I don't know how much more sawdust is available.