Zhang Guobao
Zhang Guobao
Zhang Guobaois Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission...
evaluation former gas oil outcome resources
The outcome of evaluation on the oil and gas resources was better than former data.
china expansion reflects states strength trade united
Today's announcement reflects an expansion in bilateral trade between China and the United States and it underscores the strength of Sino-U.S. relations,
This should be determined by China's real conditions.
There has been a lot of communication, but there has been little actual progress.
correct decision moment next russia saying
One moment Russia is saying they have made a decision, the next saying that no decision has been made. To date, there has been no correct information. This is regrettable.
china depend domestic economize energy explore increase mainly overseas strategy supply
China has set a strategy to economize energy use, increase energy efficiency, mainly depend on domestic supply and explore the overseas market.
economic environmental
It also delivers substantial economic and environmental results, alleviating poverty.
attribute china correct crude developing growth hike india nations oil price
It is not correct to attribute the crude oil price hike in 2004 to the growth of oil consumption in developing nations such as China and India .
contribute energy including power renewable security wind
Renewable energy, including solar, wind power and hydropower, will contribute to better energy security in China,
against buy currently face high oil prices risks
Currently the international oil prices are at high levels. Against this backdrop, we would face big risks if we buy oil from the international market.
buy china current financial global great high market oil price program reserve risk strategic
It would be a great financial risk for China to buy oil at the international market for its strategic reserve program as the current global oil price has been fluctuating at a high level.