Sathya Baba Nor Quotations
Sathya Baba Quotes about:
Nor Quotes from:
- All Nor Quotes
- Bible Bible
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bhagavad Gita
- William Shakespeare
- Sathya Baba
- Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
- Apollonius Of Tyana
- Thomas Jefferson
- John Milton
- Lord Byron
- Mark Twain
- Robert Brown
- Buddha
- Charles Spurgeon
- Edward Fitzgerald
- Isaac Newton
- Lord Alfred Tennyson
- Rudyard Kipling
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Hazlitt
Accepting Quotes
THOSE who deny God, the Supreme Will or the First Cause, can give no real satisfactory justification for their stand; nor can those who assert that there is God. Both have to rely on their own experience. After all, how can sweetness be denied by one who refuses to taste sugar? How can one be convinced that sugar is sweet until one tastes it? We have to feel the great marvel of energy, manipulating both, the minutest atom and cell and the vastest, most distant star. How else can we understand the Omnipresence and Omnipotence, except by accepting God as the Architect of the Cosmos?
Brain Quotes
The fault is in the mirror that reflects, the mind that perceives, the brain that infers. What the mirror presents as true has no authenticity. The mirror is coated with dust and its face is not plain at all. God has no maya; He has no intention or need to delude, nor does He will that it should happen.