Willie Randolph Obviously Quotations
Willie Randolph Quotes about:
Obviously Quotes from:
Anytime Quotes
Today, obviously it's pretty much bad game management. Anytime you give up 0-2 home runs, that's not what you want to do. We had that quick 1-2-3 pitcher and then all hell broke loose in that one inning where he should have gotten out of that real easy. He just made bad pitches at the wrong time.
Barry Quotes
Every situation is totally different for me. Every team that faces Barry Bonds has the same dilemma. You just pick your spots in the course of the game and you try to make the right decision and hope that it's executed. It's no different than any other team. Obviously, he's still a presence and obviously he's still one of the best hitters in the game and you have to be very conscious of him.
David Quotes
The kids are obviously part of our future, and the fact is they're going to experience, hopefully, a very exciting pennant race. Everybody likes their hits. It's being involved in something that could be special and getting experience when the game counts. Mets fans and the organization should be proud of David Wright and Jose Reyes, and Victor Diaz had a huge night also. And Jake is getting his feet wet.