Al Groh Certainly Quotations
Al Groh Quotes about:
Certainly Quotes from:
Adaptable Quotes
Other than the building itself, there's little about the Jets that's the same as it was when we were there. So I don't really know enough about the team to be able to speculate as to how he might fit in. He's a very adaptable guy and his poise and self-confidence enables him to really fit into any environment, and he certainly did that very easily when he went to Atlanta.
Ball Quotes
This is the most dynamic position in all of sports. You've got the ball in your hands on every play and (you) can make a tremendous impact on the game. But it's also got to be a very exciting, energizing position. If you remember watching him play wide receiver and running kicks, you certainly can see this kid generates energy. So we were encouraging him to let that flow.
Fact Quotes
This is kind of a 'Joe' team. There really are not many name players on the team. It doesn't mean that there aren't some talented players on the team, but there are certainly no big-name players on the team. It's indicative of the fact that we're all the same. They just come in every day and grind it out.