Nelson's numbers are getting stronger, but about a third of the voters still say they don't know enough about him to form an opinion.
I wouldn't be surprised if as many as 25 percent of New Jersey voters said they are supporting Kean because of his father's record, or because they like his father.
We're all out there in August beating the bushes, and the voters are still at the beach.
While a majority of the voters view both candidates as being honest and trustworthy, the number who did not jumped eight points for Mr. Forrester and four for the senator.
While voters think the legislative pay raise is excessive and want it repealed, it does not appear that lawmakers will suffer greatly at the polls for making themselves the second-best paid Legislature in the country.
If voters are in a Florio anti-tax mood, his approval rating will suffer. If he's able to convince them that tax increases are necessary to maintain state services they want, then his approval rating, while not going up sharply, should not be too badly damaged.