E. B. White People Quotations
E. B. White Quotes about:
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Across Quotes
I think what we're finding across the church is that people are tired of just writing the check for the mission. They really want to do it. We made a commitment to the city to put up 50 roofs over the next couple of months. We hope to perhaps complete 25 this week with the crews that we have.
Abortion Quotes
I said to my husband, what will Slava be worth in five years? Every day people pay $30,000 for a new car and trade it off in a few years, but what will he be worth? He's blended in to our family so well. Sending him back there (to Russia) is to me the equivalent of abortion because living out there is like living on the outskirts of hell.
Abundance Quotes
People who live from abundance feel that there is more than enough of everything in the world to go around. More than enough money, food, work, material things, more than enough love. Why do they feel that way? Because they see that they themselves are enough. They are not dependent on external influences to make them feel more whole and complete.
Aunt Quotes
It fills a little niche; nobody's ever written about this before in this way because it's a book about a serious subject but told with such a respectful, light touch. It's one of those books you sit down and read start to finish because you can't put it down. And after you finish, you say 'My aunt would like this, and so would my great-grandmother and my sister.' And so people will buy one, and then come back and buy 10.
Writing Quotes
The main thing I try to do is write as clearly as I can. Because I have the greatest respect for the reader, and if he's going to the trouble of reading what I've written -- I'm a slow reader myself and I guess most people are -- why, the least I can do is make it as easy as possible for him to find out what I'm trying to say, trying to get at. I rewrite a good deal to make it clear.
Add Quotes
The recruiters, I think, are even more enthusiastic about it because what companies want is people who can add value, people who can contribute. And therefore they value smartness, they value good grades and a good education, but they really like that practical intelligence and that creative ability,
Barriers Quotes
We changed the name because of the mission of our church to reach out to people who are un-churched, those who are far away from God. Sometimes denominational names can raise barriers for people. So many people here were not raised in the cultural South, and they have pretty stereotypical ideas about what Baptists are like.
Best Quotes
We're going into this game thinking worst-case scenario that Christen doesn't play. We go into the week like every week preparing our kids the best we can for whoever is on the field. I'd like to think that we're not a one-man team. There are a lot of people out there who do think that Hilliard Davidson will go as Christen Haywood goes, but our kids have a lot of pride and they'll do a good job in preparing themselves no matter who's playing.
Effort Quotes
It's a part of the game you don't want to see. You're around people who are good guys and have put a lot of effort into it and to come out here and they're missing, it shocks you. It's also a relief because you see everybody that's going to be on the team, that's going to be your teammates, you get to learn from them.
Baptist Quotes
In some ways, it's not the professional music making you hear up at Ithaca College and Cornell. On the other hand, this is really coming from the hearts of people who live this music every week. From that standpoint, it's just amazing. There are lot of great musicians at Calvary Baptist and they sing from their hearts and souls, and the same at St. Paul's.
Ability Quotes
In addition to testing for analytical abilities, which current tests do, we also want to test for practical abilities such as common sense, problem solving, ability to work with people and creative abilities, because we know, especially in business, creativity is crucial to new products and service development,