E. O. Wilson National Quotations
E. O. Wilson Quotes about:
National Quotes from:
Achieve Quotes
There are already many producers who are doing better than the national average but that is not to say they can't do exceptionally well. Our average born alive is just 10.7 when our major competitors in Europe are at least 1.5 pigs per litter better than that. It is not impossible to achieve significant improvement. Just four years ago the French were sixth in the European league table and now they are at the top. If they can do it, so can we.
Awarded Quotes
After years of hard work, Simmons is proud to be awarded this accreditation for our National Consumer Study. The NCS is a thorough measurement of the American consumer; from the products we buy, the brands we prefer and where we buy them, to our attitudes, lifestyles and the media we consume. Our adherence to the MRC Minimum Standards earned this accreditation and our commitment to quality will continue to earn our clients support.