Golda Meir Country Quotations
Golda Meir Quotes about:
Country Quotes from:
- All Country Quotes
- Donald Trump
- Thomas Jefferson
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- George W Bush
- Rush Limbaugh
- Vladimir Putin
- Marco Rubio
- Ronald Reagan
- George Washington
- Will Rogers
- Jimmy Carter
- Narendra Modi
- Bill Maher
- John F Kennedy
- Noam Chomsky
- William J Clinton
- Nelson Mandela
- Abraham Lincoln
- Donald Rumsfeld
Opportunity Quotes
America is a great country. It has many shortcomings, many social inequalities, and it's tragic that the problem of the blacks wasn't solved fifty or even a hundred years ago, but it's still a great country, a country full of opportunities, of freedom! Does it seem nothing to you to be able to say what you like, even against the government, the Establishment?