Helen Darling Health Quotations
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- Henry David Thoreau
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- Swami Vivekananda
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- Drew Altman
- Helen Darling
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Andrew Lansley
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- Donna Shalala
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld
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- Jeffrey Koplan
- Joel Fuhrman
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- P J Orourke
- Dan Fogleman
Benefits Quotes
Leading employers in the U.S. remain committed to helping their employees with health benefits coverage and programs to improve their health and the health of their families. These employers know that one of the most important ways to control costs is to help employees and their families get and stay healthy.
Beginning Quotes
Most companies remain committed to providing health care benefits for their workers and families. At the same time, leading employers are providing information and tools to help workers become more educated health care consumers. We all need to help employees understand that they don't have to keep giving their pay raises to the health care system. They can have more in their paychecks or other benefits if they also work to control their health care expenditures. Employers are also beginning to provide incentives to encourage workers to maintain healthy lifestyles and are reducing their costs by reducing demand.
Affect Quotes
Employers need to measure the cost of any given health plan two different ways: premiums and productivity. Premiums are simple but until the Quality Dividend Calculator, nobody gave you a number showing you how Plan X was going to affect employee productivity. But employers need to know that number in order to determine which plan really represents the best value. The 'productivity cost' of a bad health plan can be very, very high.
Accounts Quotes
The combination of high-deductible plans and savings accounts can help employers encourage employees to become more discerning health care consumers. Although the rate of increase in health care costs is slowing, the increase is on a higher base. Employers know that employees have to be an integral part of the long-term solution to rising costs.