The way to truth lies through ahimsa (nonviolence).
I have known only one way of carrying on missionary work, viz., by personal example and discussion with searchers for knowledge.
My optimism rests on my belief in the infinite possibilities of the individual to develop nonviolence. . . . In a gentle way you can shake the world.
The best way of losing a cause is to abuse your opponent and to trade upon his weakness.
Nanda broke down every barrier and won his way to freedom not by brag, not by bluster, but by the purest form of self-suffering.
The way of mutual strife and exclusiveness is the only way to perdition and slavery.
Mother cow is in many ways better than the mother who gave us birth.
I suffer snakes to be killed in the ashram when it is impossible to catch them and put them out of harm's way.
Destruction of the churches and the like is not the way to Swaraj as defined by the Congress.
With God as witness, I want to proclaim this truth, that the way of violence cannot bring Swaraj, it can only lead to disaster.
No Indian who aspires to follow the way of true religion can afford to remain aloof from politics.
The external is in no way the essence of religion, but the external often proclaims the internal.
Truth is my God. I can only search Him through nonviolence and in on other way.
A little of true nonviolence acts in a silent, subtle, unseen way and leavens the whole society.
Non-co-operation intended to pave the way to real honourable and voluntary co-operation based on mutual respect and trust.
We are all very imperfect and weak things, and if we are to destroy all whose ways we do not like, there will be not a man left alive.
The woman has circumvented man in a variety of ways in her unconsciously subtle ways, as the man has vainly and equally consciously struggled to thwart the woman in gaining ascendancy over him.
Human language can but imperfectly describe God's ways.
India's way is not Europe's. India is not Calcutta and Bombay. India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages.
In India there is a common saying that the way to Swaraj is through Mandalay.
On India rests the burden of pointing the way to all the exploited races of the earth.
The only way by which you and I can wean orthodox Hindus from their bigotry is by patient argument and correct conduct.
Nonviolence is an attribute of the Almighty whose ways of fulfilling Himself are inscrutable.
To me Truth is God and there is no way to find Truth except the way of nonviolence.
God's ways are more than Man's arithmetic.
God has His own way of choosing His instruments.
God does not punish directly. His ways are inscrutable.
There is no better way of industrializing the villages of India than the spinning wheel.
The turning of the charkha in a lifeless way will be like the turning of the beads of the rosary with a wandering mind turned away from God.
Let the Gita be to you a mine of diamonds, as it has been to me; let it be your constant guide and friend on life's way.
The object of the Gita appears to me to be that of showing the most excellent way to attain self-realization.
Truth is my religion and ahimsa is the only way of its realization.
Ahimsa can be practiced only towards those that are inferior to you in every way.
An institution that suffers from a plethora of leaders is surely in a bad way.
The way of peace is the way of truth. Truthfulness is even more important than peacefulness.
You can judge a society by the way it treats it's animals
Truth is transcendent. There are many expressions of it and ways to glimpse it. We cannot hold it in our clenched fist, but must hold it in our open palm and invite others to see it for themselves.
Hinduism is like the Ganga, pure and unsullied at its source but taking in its course the impurities in the way. Even like the Ganga it is beneficent in its total effect. It takes a provincial form in every province, but the inner substance is retained everywhere.
The only way love punishes in by suffering.
Human language can but imperfectly describe God's ways. I am sensible of the fact that they are indescribable and inscrutable. But if mortal man will dare to describe them, he has no better medium than his own inarticulate speech.
If India won her freedom through truth and non-violence, India would not only point the way to all the exploited Asiatic nations, she would become a torch-bearer for the Negro races.
When a man gives way to anger, he only harms himself.
It's very dangerous to mix up the words natural and habitual. We have been trained to be quite habitual at communicating in ways that are quite unnatural.
What you feel and how you react to something is always up to you. There may be a "normal" or a common way to react to different things. But that's mostly just all it is.
There is no 'way to peace,' there is only 'peace.
God answers prayer in His own way, not ours.