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Edith Nawakwi When we were fighting the third term 'King Cobra' was still in MMD. He fought all potential candidates and took them out of the MMD. He got out of MMD after 90 minutes of the game.
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Harri Holkeri When I was involved in Finnish domestic problems, I used to bring people together and make them work together instead of fighting against each other.
easily fighting great kept kids mentally plugging position tent tough
Tony Vis We're mentally tough and we were not going to go away. We got down 10 and could have easily folded the tent on the big stage. The kids just kept fighting and plugging away and got us back into that thing. They put us in a great position at halftime.
fighting marching people support work
Jose Rios We're marching to support the people who come here to work for a better life. This is what we're all fighting for.
fighting fights-and-fighting kids pleased
Mike Drews We're making progress, we're getting better. Our kids are fighting and working hard, and they'll keep doing that. I'm pleased with our effort.
eventually fighting fights-and-fighting forward good population problem program stay steps straight taking
Jim Kelley We're making progress, but we'd still like to see the population get lower. The problem we've been fighting is that they've had two straight years of good reproduction. So it's kind of like taking two steps forward and one back. But we think if we stay with the program we have in place, we'll eventually get there.
effort fighting foundation great life man marriage people putting tragedies woman worth
Kay Robertson One of the great tragedies I see is people not putting every effort into the foundation of their marriage. My grandmother told me that it's one man and one woman for life and that your marriage is worth fighting for.
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Charles Macklin The instinct of interest is the universal instinct of mankind.
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Charles Edward Montague If you are to love mankind, you must not expect too much from it.
address comfort compelled life mankind originated renounce special virtue
Nathan Myhrvold Mankind is not special by virtue of our address in the universe, or what spins around us, or because life originated here. Slowly, but surely, we've been compelled to renounce the comfort of these beliefs.
genius moments mankind
Carl Jung Not nature, but the "genius of mankind," has knotted the hangman's noose with which it can execute itself at any moment.
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Carl Jung The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded.
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Orlando Jones With this hip-hop generation they think about who has gold teeth, instead of the destiny of mankind.
marriage instinct mankind
Bertrand Russell Even in civilized mankind faint traces of monogamous instinct can be perceived.
mankind humankind knows
Bertrand Russell What science cannot tell us, mankind cannot know.
prosperity mankind humankind
Bertrand Russell Mankind has become so much one family that we cannot insure our own prosperity except by insuring that of everyone else.