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Karen Stewart When we were in Waveland, we were thinking about how we could help folks. We wanted it to be more than that we went to Waveland for two weeks to help. We wanted to say that people outside of Mississippi care about them and believe as they do that they will rebuild.
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Annette O'Toole When we were first together, he said, Nobody's ever called me Darling. I said, I can't believe that - I could just cry thinking about it.
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Chuck Gillingham When we went to interview her, she almost canceled. But she had been with her daughter that morning and was thinking if, God forbid, something happened to her daughter that someone would come forward and do the right thing.
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Phil Klay When I was in Marine training I memorised 'The Waste Land,' which was a significant experience in terms of really breaking apart language and thinking about how the different voices in that poem function.
advantage against game neutral respect thinking understand
Tim Whitehead We respect the advantage it will be for them. We're not going in thinking it's just another game at a neutral site. We know we're up against it here. And we have a respect for the challenge. But we understand it can be done. We've done it.
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Henry Hazlitt Give me the clear blue sky above my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and a three hours' march to dinner - and then to thinking!
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Frida Lyngstad I like to think of myself as being fashion-conscious without being a slave to fashion.
country gmos safety
Bill Gates Over time, yes, countries will need to look at specific GMO products like they look at drugs today, where they don't approve them all. They look hard at the safety and the testing. And they make sure that the benefits far outweigh any of the downsides.
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Bill Gates Middle-income countries are the biggest users of GMOs. Places like Brazil.
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Bill Gates There are GMO skeptics more in Europe maybe than in other places, but not exclusively.
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Dmitry Medvedev If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food,
lying stupid gmos
David Suzuki Any politician or scientist who tells you these [GMO] products are safe is either very stupid or lying.
guiding-principles gmos impact
David Suzuki Because we aren't certain about the effects of GMOs, we must consider one of the guiding principles in science, the precautionary principle. Under this principle, if a policy or action could harm human health or the environment, we must not proceed until we know for sure what the impact will be. And it is up to those proposing the action or policy to prove that it is not harmful.
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David Suzuki Any scientist who tells you they know that GMOs are safe and not to worry about it, is either ignorant of the history of science or is deliberately lying. Nobody knows what the long-term effect will be.
thinking gmo-foods gmos
Billy Corgan Fur is a contentious issue. Meat is a contentious issue. GMOs are a contentious issue. I think this whole thing going on about whether or not products should be labeled if they have GMOs in them - I, as a consumer, would like to know if I'm eating GMO food. If I choose to buy it then it's my choice.
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Bruce Kent Some people are genetically programmed to be difficult.