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best budget california case competing detail discussion eager education express increase judgment large met needs process provide requires
Alan Bersin What this budget does is express (Schwarzenegger's) best judgment of how all the competing needs of California can be met and in this case provide a very large increase in education funding. What he also understands is that his process requires a long and detail discussion with the Legislature, which he is eager to engage.
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Mike Cooke We would seriously question the judgment of any board member or administrator who would have this community believe that they can simply fire the current employees and contract with an outside company to bring in strangers to work in our schools, and still provide the same degree of quality, safety and service that our current custodians and head custodians provide.
believe caution entire gone happen judgment process rush winning
Ed Tapscott What has gone on here in the past, I can never change. I would caution a rush to judgment on the process of winning the entire community. We believe it will happen over time.
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Anthony Zinni We grow up in a culture where accountability, learning to accept responsibility, admitting mistakes and learning from them was critical to us. When we don't see that happening it worries us. Poor military judgment has been used throughout this mission.
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Jennifer Egan What lists and awards don't measure - and I feel this strongly - is the lasting value of any work of art. They're a snapshot of a moment, and one should always consider their judgments in that context.
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Dan Hill With my son, I tried not to be so judgmental and tried not to push him so hard. I didn't want him to feel that everything or that our love for him will be based on how much he has achieved.
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Al Stewart Louis Armstrong playing trumpet on the Judgment Day.
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Chris Christie Strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of reassembling the old Soviet empire? What an extraordinarily dangerous lack of judgment.
rushing time
Justin Jeffre We're going to take our time and do what we feel is right. We're not rushing anything.
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Rick Bisesto We're going to grow our product line and add different things. We all have some visions but we're not going to rush that. It will happen in stages.
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Harvey Rosenfield What we're seeing is a tremendous increase in the number of complaints and horror stories, including fatalities, associated with the rush to corporate, profit driven health care in our country.
area attacked basketball bother left percent played pressure rush scoring seconds shot
Jim Bolla When we attacked their pressure we were fine. But 75 percent of the game, we let their press bother us. When we played around with their press, we got into our scoring area with 10 or 12 seconds left (on the 30-second shot clock) and we had to rush a shot.
fourth free good lead quarter rushed throw
Dan Bollinger When we had the lead in the fourth quarter I thought we rushed our shots. Nothing good can come out when you rush. We also were 6-of-19 from the free throw line.
believe caution entire gone happen judgment process rush winning
Ed Tapscott What has gone on here in the past, I can never change. I would caution a rush to judgment on the process of winning the entire community. We believe it will happen over time.
good left missed rush time tried
Roderick Wilmont We got two good looks. I think I tried to rush it because I didn't know how much time was left on the clock, and I just missed it. I thought it was going in.
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Tom Druhot We're going to keep that light active until Monday after rush hour. Just because we don't have enough time to let traffic completely adjust.
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Michael Burgess We're going to have another disaster that will require multiple people to be displaced, ... This calls into question if we have an effective contracting process if you're rushing out to buy 100,000 trailers.