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agency covers families family found help homes house originally quickly talk vacant
Sharon Hess When we went to talk to those families, we found out that one of the families was originally from Herrin, so we were able to quickly place them in one of our vacant homes in Herrin. Our agency covers 24 counties, and if we don't have a house available, we can still help a family by making referrals.
against brought house picked saw
Greg Harrison When we went in there, they really started blitzing everybody. They saw Morelli as an inexperienced, second-string quarterback and they brought the house against us. But as a whole, I thought we picked it up well. We had a couple, little miscues, but nothing that can't be corrected.
alone corner front home house loved majestic rarely road sat seeing south street walk west
Natalie Cole When I was old enough to walk home alone from school, I loved seeing our house from a distance. It sat on the corner of South Muirfield Road and West 4th Street and had this proud, majestic look. But I rarely went through the front door. The back was more dramatic.
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Timothy Simons When I was a carpenter, I built sets for small storefront Chicago companies. Like, I built sets for friends of mine at The House Theater.
decided house outside standing tom trouble
Jim Donovan Tom was outside during some of it and decided to go back in the house when he was having trouble standing up.
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John Edwards We're missing some of that leadership in the White House now.
house serious submission white work
Richard Armey We're going to take the president's submission as a serious proposal, and we're going to see where we can go and how we can work with the White House and the Democrats,
assume claimed dependent head household last lost year
David Morley We're going to see some head of household statuses lost this year. You just can't assume that what you claimed last year -- that dependent -- you're going to be able to claim it this year.
asked break citizens gas governor month
Les Miller We've asked the governor to suspend the gas for one month to give a break to the citizens of Florida.
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John Mackey We've always tried to be good citizens in the communities that we do business in.
citizens people time
Maria Rodriguez We're getting used to people on the street. Now it's time to get residents to become citizens and citizens to vote.
across best citizens city fellow lose might nba oklahoma orleans people provide repay resources spread step wider
Paul Mott We're going to take our resources and spread them across a wider reach. We'll repay the citizens of Oklahoma City and provide them with their best NBA experience, because this might be their only one. But we'll try not to lose step with what we were doing in the New Orleans marketplace. We don't want people (in New Orleans) to ask, 'Where were you?' These are our fans. And our fellow citizens.
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Adam Ereli What we're seeing here is an attempt to subvert justice, an attempt to subvert the rule of law by those that are bent on attacking honorable citizens of Iraq who are trying to see that justice is done, whether it be on the prosecution side or on the defense side.
candidates citizens decision dictate federal government limit local nevada stands state
Steve Ross What this decision stands for is that there is a limit to the circumstances under which the federal government can dictate to the citizens of Nevada who they can or can not have as candidates for state or local office,
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Jeff Richards We brought it on before, and we will bring it on again, if that's what it takes for the citizens to prevail.
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John Gay We both want the bill for different reasons. Immigrant advocates want a way for their people to get citizenship and stop dying in the desert. Unions want to grow their membership. We want a stable work force.
believe citizens consistent perils protects secondhand
Fred Sainz We believe this to be very consistent in that it protects our citizens from the perils of secondhand smoke.
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Callan McAuliffe I guess I'd always mocked the American accent. I didn't consider it a respectable dialect, but I was told that it was.
ethics be-good respectable
Edith Sitwell It is hardly respectable to be good nowadays.
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Brian Greene Falsifiability for a theory is great, but a theory can still be respectable even if it is not falsifiable, as long as it is verifiable.
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning The devil's most devilish when respectable.
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A. A. Milne If a statement is untrue, it is not the more respectable because it has been said in Latin.
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Albert Pike Work only can keep even kings respectable.
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Dan Barker Freethought is respectable. Freethought is crucial. Freethought needs to be publicized.
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Cynthia Voigt You must not let yourself become too respectable. Keep yourself a little wild. What is life for, if not for the living of it?
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Cormac McCarthy I felt early on I wasn't going to be a respectable citizen.